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Strengthen the man, strengthen the family; Strengthen the family, strengthen the church; Strengthen the church, change the culture!


Igniting a Culture of Evangelization that Empowers Men to Lead in the Battle for Sainthood

Our 4 pillars:

1) Prayer (it all starts with prayer) 

2) Friendship (the arena for good news) 

3) Evangelization (not optional, but primary)

4) Discipline (asceticism - take action)

Our Annual Leadership Pledge challenges engaged "Bloodstained Allies" to 1) PRAY30 (30 minutes of daily prayer), 2) MEET3 (meet-up with 3 brothers each month), 3) INVITE3 (Invite 3 brothers to an event/engagement each month) and 4) BEaST. (work towards a specific physical challenge/goal each month) 

Brotherhood helps us be more fully on mission in the battle for souls! We understand how this busy culture can isolate and emasculate you. It is TOUGH to be a present, proactive & committed husband and father. Inferno is here to help encourage & empower men, so together, we can lead our families, build up community, revive the church and become the saints we were created to be! 

Inferno Men are broken beggars leading other beggars to the Bread of Life – shoulder to shoulder.


“I have come to set the world on fire and how I wish it were already blazing!” – Jesus (Luke 12:49)


Win the Man

Win the Fam

"Just as Iron sharpens Iron, so does one man sharpen another." - Proverbs 27:17

When dad attends church regularly, children are 70% more likely to attend than if he does not.


When a dad is the first to convert to the faith, there is a 93% likelihood that the rest of the family will follow (vs. 3% child; 15% mom first).*Promise Keepers


The importance of fathers being present in the home is staggering! 85% of youths in prison come from fatherless homes; 90% of runaway children, 63% of youth suicides; increased rates of depression, divorce, substance abuse, and a decreased education, income, and health when the father is not present at the home.


“He will turn the hearts of fathers to their children and the hearts of children to their fathers.”

(Malichi 4:6 & Luke 1:17)


Should we succeed in this critical mission, we will be bloodied, battered and bruised, but by God’s grace, we will become SAINTS, lead our families to heaven, renew manhood, revive the church and the world will never be the same!


“Where there is no vision the people will perish.” – Proverbs 29:18

Mission + Vision

Inferno Tactics - Model the Master

"Whoever wishes to come after me must deny himself, take up his cross and FOLLOW ME." - Mark 8:34

Divine Intimacy


 Deep Interior Life of Prayer – Union – Identity (Divine Sonship) Vocation “If you want to change the world, go home and lover your family.” – Saint Mother Theresa


Authentic Friendship

3 – CLAN (Brotherhood)


Fraternal Apostolate

12 – COR

(Tribe – Doing Life Together)

Spiritual Multiplication



(make disciple-makers - Matt 28:19)

Ignite a Culture of Evangelization


Combat/Impact Culture – Flowing to and from the church (domestic, local and universal)

"The Harvest is abundant, but the laborers are few. GO! I am sending you like lambs among wolves!" - Jesus (Luke 10)​

In a culture of darkness, deceit and death, we are in critical need of the Way, the Truth and the LIFE! (John 14:6) 

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